in-cosmetics Global 2024

in-cosmetics Global - Team Personal Care, Polygon Chemie AG

The Personal Care Team of Polygon Chemie AG visited in-cosmetics Global in Paris, the global trade fair for innovative ingredients and new raw materials for the cosmetics industry, fragrances and technological innovations in manufacturing. Numerous products and services were presented, categorised into thematic areas.

The most important companies were on site and Adrian Gräub, Lynn Rose and Giuseppe Bruno were able to deepen existing contacts and make new ones in personal discussions with suppliers and customers.

This year’s key topics included vegan and natural trends and, as always, sustainability. One of the main attractions was the Sensory Bar, where visitors could get a first-hand impression of the quality of the products. The Polygon team can look back on a successful trade fair visit and is looking forward to seeing you again at the next in-cosmetics Global in Amsterdam in April 2025.